Recovery after stroke is a natural process. Up to a third of stroke patients recover fully, a third recover partially, and a third do not recover at all. About 10% to 20% may not survive the early period after the stroke. Recovery takes time. Most recovery occurs in the first 3 to 6 months, but it may continue slowly for many years.
There is a 5% to 15% chance a year of the stroke recurring. To reduce the chance of another stroke, all medications should be taken regularly and smoking must be stopped.
SingHealth experts share more about stroke (Part 1):
Where can you seek support?
The Singapore National Stroke Association was established in 1996 for the benefit of stroke patients and their carers. It seeks to provide support to stroke patients and their families, to build up community support for stroke patients and their families, and to increase awareness about stroke among the public.
Contact informationSingapore National Stroke Association Tel: (+65) 6222 9514 Email: [email protected] Website:
Useful materials
Learn more about stroke and stroke care with these guides.
For more information on coping with life after a stroke, click on the resources below (available in four languages).
Controlling Risk Factor of Stroke
Rehabilitation After Stroke
Consequences of Stroke
Social and Leisure Matters After Stroke
For My Carer (Caregivers)
Materials contributed by the Stroke Services Improvement (SSI) team in collaboration with all public hospitals in Singapore.
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