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Education at SingHealth

At SingHealth, we recognise that only by advancing medical knowledge and embracing life-long learning can we improve our patient's lives. We not only nurture the next generation of healthcare professionals, our Colleges and Institutes also provide continual training for healthcare professionals in Singapore and around the region.

SingHealth Residency

As the largest sponsoring institution for residency programmes in Singapore, SingHealth Residency is committed to nurturing and developing our Residents into well-rounded clinicians. Learn from our 800-strong faculty who are passionate about sharing their love of Medicine to help you discover yours.

SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Medical Simulation (SIMS)

The SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Medical Simulation (SIMS) is one of Singapore's largest simulation facilities with a comprehensive range of simulation modalities, cutting-edge technology, and training programmes. The institute is committed to delivering quality simulation training by providing a safe and supervised environment for healthcare professionals to sharpen their clinical skills towards mastery, pushing frontiers in patient safety.

Duke-NUS SingHealth Academic Medicine Education Institute

Tapping on the educational expertise of Duke-NUS Medical School and the clinical strengths of SingHealth, the Academic Medicine Education Institute (AMEI) aims to enhance the healthcare teaching environment and build the capabilities of our healthcare professionals to be better educators.

SingHealth Alice Lee Institute of Advanced Nursing (IAN)

SingHealth Alice Lee IAN has long carved a reputation for being the leading provider of nursing education for local nurses and beyond. It provides postgraduate training of nurses and other healthcare staff locally and overseas.

SGH Postgraduate Allied Health Institute (PGAHI)

As a pioneer institute committed in providing continuing professional education, SGH Postgraduate Allied Health Institute (PGAHI) offers advanced clinical skills training to local and international Allied Health Professionals.


SGH Postgraduate Medical Institute (PGMI)

SGH-Postgraduate Medical Institute (SGH-PGMI) is Singapore’s first postgraduate medical institute, committed to promoting postgraduate medical education. The institute works with SGH’s clinical departments to offer a rich variety of clinical training and continuing medical education programmes to both local and international medical professionals.

PRiME (Primary Care Medical Education)

PRiME is the training arm of SingHealth Polyclinics (SHP). It oversees, plans and provides training and workshops for healthcare professionals of all categories.

NNI Epilepsy Awareness Day
Mar 1 Sat
Community Partners
NNI Epilepsy Awareness Day
One Punggol, 1 Punggol Drive, Singapore 828629
NNI Parkinson Disease Public Forum
Apr 5 Sat
Community Partners
NNI Parkinson Disease Public Forum
Heartbeat @ Bedok, 11 Bedok North Street 1, Singapore 469662