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Evaluation of Social Prescribing

Date: 28 Nov 2024 | Time: 16:30 – 17:30 | Venue: L1-S1

Moderator: Prof Ng Chirk Jenn

Title: From Resource Integration to Value Emergence: Co-creation Processes in Social Prescribing 
Presentation Abstract: This study explores how social prescribing practitioners facilitate resource integration and value co-creation in complex care ecosystems. Responding to the increasing global burden of aging populations and multi-morbidity, we investigate the integration of resources to co-create value in the shift towards person-centred care. Through a mixed-methods sequential explanatory design that incorporates photovoice methodology, the study identifies resource configurations and forms of value co-created through the lens of social prescribing practitioners. A transformative service theory lens informs a proposed framework mapping actor ecosystem readiness and interactions, providing insights into value co-creation and co-destruction across multiple system levels in social prescribing interventions.
Speaker: Dr. Caroline Lim
Head, Organisation and Leadership for Social Change Programme, SUSS

Title: Economic Evaluation of Social Prescribing
Executive Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Professor of Urban Health and Environment
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Title: Evaluation of Social Prescribing: The Story So Far... and How It May Develop Further
Professor of Public Health at the Institute for Connected Communities 
University of East London, UK