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Education and Workforce Development 

Date: 28 Nov 2024 | Time: 13:30 – 14:10 | Venue: Auditorium

Moderator: Ms Adeline Kwan

TitleSocial Prescribing - Training and Education in Canada
Speaker: Ms Sonia Hsiung
Director, Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing

Title: Development Journey of SingHealth Wellbeing Coordinators
Presentation Abstract: To support the health of our residents, it is no longer sufficient to just address their healthcare needs but also address their social determinants of health which include the person’s socioeconomic factors, physical environment and health behaviours. This is where our SingHealth Wellbeing Coordinators (WBCs) will play a pivotal role as health and social integrators who will support residents to work towards what matters to them and empower them to live well in the community. Through this presentation, Pearline will offer some insights from SingHealth’s experiences in developing the SingHealth WBC workforce over the past 3 years, such as a harmonised Career Development Path, training and competency framework, and a common identity.
Speaker: Ms Pearline Lee
Deputy Director, Health & Social Integration, SingHealth Office of Regional Health (SORH) and Home Care & Safety, Changi General Hospital

Title: Through the Lens of Advocacy
Associate Dean, Student Affairs, Duke-NUS Medical School

Title: Developing Tomorrow’s Health Professionals: Working Towards Sustainable Long Term Change
Presentation Abstract: Dr Bogdan delves into the essential education and workforce strategies required to embed social prescribing into mainstream healthcare. It discusses current advancements in training programmes that prepare healthcare professionals to incorporate personalised, community-focused approaches into their practice. 
Speaker: Dr Bogdan Chiva Giurca
Clinical and Global Director for Social Prescribing, National Academy for Social Prescribing, Harvard Global Health Institute Collaborator, Honorary Lecturer, University College London

Professor of Urban Health and Environment, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia