Dr Tan Weng Mooi
Director/Lead InHealth Programme
MOH Office for Healthcare Transformation (MOHT)
A pharmacist by training with over 30 years of experience, Weng Mooi currently leads in the development of healthy precinct and digital solutions to build up healthy living and mental well-being in the community. Development of healthy precincts involves co-creating tools and initiatives through movement for health with stakeholders including government agencies, business and community leaders and volunteers. She is also co-chairing the Digital Mental Health Implementation Committee with MOH which aims to develop digital mental health plan and initiatives.
She was previously the Chief of Caregiving and Community Mental Health Division in the Agency for Integrated Care. She led a team in the development and implementation of the national plan on caregiving and community mental health. The national masterplan aims to maximise potential of individuals and support aging in place in the community. It achieved this through developing capacity and capability of providers, building integrated networks to enhance care coordination across health and social care. For over 20 years, she served in a variety of leadership roles from Director of Allied Health to Chief Operating Officer in Singapore’s leading mental health tertiary institution and as the Group Chief Operating Officer in a private organisation.
Weng Mooi is passionate and determined to push for the transformation of care (including mental health/dementia care) to be person centric, holistic, and empowering while integrating care with the natural environment.