NF1 is caused by a fault (i.e., mutation) in the NF1 gene. Genes are instructions for cells to make proteins in the body. The NF1 gene is a tumour suppressor gene which normally produces a protein that blocks the development of tumours and cancer. When faulty, it leads to a diagnosis of NF1 and an increased risk of tumours/cancer.
You can undergo genetic testing to understand if you have a faulty NF1 gene. As genes are shared among family, if you have a faulty NF1 gene, it may indicate that other family members may have inherited the faulty gene too and may also be at increased risk of tumours/cancer.
NF1 follows a dominant inheritance pattern. This means that having one faulty copy can cause features of NF1.
About half of all people with NF1 have inherited the faulty gene from a parent. The other half have it because of a new and spontaneous change (mutation) in their gene.
Everyone has 2 copies of each gene in their body’s cells:
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