In Singapore, GP clinics serve about 80 per cent of the population’s primary care needs. As part of national efforts to strengthen primary care, the Ministry of Health introduced the Primary Care Network (PCN) scheme to encourage private GP clinics to organise themselves into networks that support holistic and team-based care in the community.
As of January 2018, 10 PCNs have been formed nationwide, including the SingHealth Partners PCN, which is the largest with 143 GP clinics.
Under the PCN scheme, funding and administrative support are provided to help participating GPs to better track outcomes and monitor their patients’ health conditions more closely. Participating GPs are supported by a team of dedicated nursing, allied health and administrative staff and a chronic disease registry.
Benefits to Patients
The SingHealth Partners PCN comprises:
SingHealth DOT PCN
SingHealth Regional PCN
For enquiries, contact:
Dr Tay Wei Yi Administrative Lead, SingHealth DOT PCN Deputy Director, Division of Population Health & Integrated Care - Primary Care & Clinical Networks, Singapore General Hospital Senior Consultant, Department of Family Medicine & Continuing Care, Singapore General Hospital
[email protected]
Ms Hilda Ng
Programme Manager, SingHealth DOT PCN
Senior Manager, Division of Population Health & Integrated Care - Primary Care & Clinical Networks, Singapore General Hospital
[email protected]
For enquiries, contact:
Ms Julian Ang Service Planning & Care Integration Sengkang General Hospital DID: 6930 4290 Email: [email protected]
The public may
click here for more information on PCNs.
GPs interested to know more may
click here.