GPFirst aims to encourage patients to visit their GP first instead of going to the emergency department if they are experiencing mild to moderate / non-emergency conditions so they can be cared for more promptly. This will also allow emergency care teams to focus on urgent cases such as heart attacks and strokes.
How GPFirst works
Patients who are referred to the Emergency Department (ED) or Urgent Care Centre (UCC) by a participating GP clinic will be prioritised over non-emergency cases when they arrive at the respective ED or UCC. In addition, they will receive a
$50 subsidy on the prevailing ED/UCC attendance fee.
Joining GPFirst
This programme is open to GP clinics within the regions of the participating acute hospitals or UCC. To join the GPFirst Programme, you may obtain the sign up form by emailing the respective contact nearest to your clinic location:
Clinics are encouraged to partner / sign up with the acute hospital or UCC of close proximity in their region. Cross-regional GPFirst referrals is enabled hence participating clinic have the option to refer patients to the "most appropriate" GPFirst acute hospitals.
For general enquiries and feedback, please call:
Changi General Hospital | 6788 8833 (24 hours) |
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital | 9727 1081
Operating hours: Mon – Fri: 8.30am – 5.30 pm (excluding public holidays)
Woodlands Health
| 9727 1081
Operating hours: Mon – Fri: 8.30am – 5.30 pm (excluding public holidays) Email:
National University Hospital | 6908 2222 6772 3312 Operating hours: Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm (excluding public holidays)
For non-urgent administrative queries regarding the programme only |
Ng Teng Fong General Hospital | 6716 2323 6716 5382 Operating hours: Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm (excluding public holidays)
For non-urgent administrative queries regarding the programme only
Sengkang General Hospital
| 6930 4282 (office hours, for GPFirst-related enquiries and replenishment of referral forms) Operating hours: Mon – Fri: 830am – 6pm (excluding public holidays)
6930 5000 (24 hour, for general enquiries and feedback)
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
| 9727 1081
Operating hours: Mon – Fri: 8.30am – 5.30 pm (excluding public holidays) Email:
Alexandra Hospital
| 8181 3288 (for clinical related enquiries) 6908 2222 (for general enquiries)
Urgent Care Centre @ Admiralty | 9727 1081
Operating hours: Mon – Fri: 8.30am – 5.30 pm (excluding public holidays) Email: