Prof Marcello BertottiProfessor of Public Health at the Institute for Connected Communities
University of East London, UK
Marcello is Professor of Public Health at the Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London, UK. He has been involved in research, training and development of social prescribing since 2014. He has been involved in over 15 research, training and evaluation projects which led to a considerable number of journal publications and reports for different funders including the Health Foundation, National Health Service, Department for Health and Social Care, National Institute for Health Research, and the European Commission amongst others. He is a co-founder of the English Social Prescribing Network (SPN) and of the Social Prescribing Youth Network (SPYN) and has recently been co-investigator on a feasibility study to assess the potential for the development of social prescribing in Malaysia and is also particularly interested in assessing the effectiveness of social prescribing in secondary care and social prescribing for children and young people. Marcello has special expertise in the health outcome and economic evaluation of social prescribing, and in the third sector having researched social enterprise and asset based approaches. Methodologically, Marcello has a particular interest in realist evaluation, systematic reviews, and social network analysis.