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Clinical Services

SingHealth Duke-NUS Centre of Memory and Cognitive DisordersMembers of the SingHealth Duke-NUS Memory and Cognitive Disorders Centre manage a wide range of patients with cognitive impairment. The clinics provide a multi-disciplinary dementia assessment and management service.

Some of the conditions include:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Frontotemporal Dementia
  • Lewy Body and Parkinson Disease Dementia
  • Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • Vascular Dementia

The services provided at the clinic include:

  • Cognitive Evaluation
  • Dementia counseling
  • Neuroimaging
  • Pharmacological Treatment

Contact us at [email protected]

Service Chief - SingHealth Community Hospitals

Dr Chan Qiu Hua Catherine

Consultant, Post Acute & Continuing Care

Director, Dementia and Cognitive Care Service

Nursing Team

  1. Foo Wee Ching (NC)
  2. Julian Lee Hui Min (NC)
  3. Netty Ryanie Binte Kamaruzaman (NC)
  4. Stella Wang Hwee Yi (APN)
  5. Usanee Chotphoksap (APN)
  1. Chitra D/O Pandiaya (Snr Nurse Manager)
  2. Li Fuyin (SNC/APN)
  3. Raihanah Binti Abdull Ghafar (ANC)
  4. Sahnan Bin Rahim (NC)
  1. Zhang Di (DD Nursing, APN)
  1. Esther Vanessa Chua Ai Ling (NC)
  1. Gao Ning (ANC)
  1. Tee Yong Ming (Nurse Educator)
  2. Linda Lim Lay Hoon (SNC)

APN = Advanced Practising Nurse
NC = Nurse Clinician