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About Cell Therapy Centre

SingHealth Duke-NUS Cell Therapy Centre

The SingHealth Duke-NUS Cell Therapy Centre (SDCT ) was officially launched in May 2021 to provide a cluster-wide focal point in coordinating Cell, Tissue and Gene Therapy (CTGT) research and education as well as clinical trials and services.

This integrated and virtual Centre, brings together the strengths and expertise of healthcare professionals (Clinicians, Allied health professionals and Researchers) across various specialties in SingHealth institutions, to leverage on advanced CTGT technologies to improve diagnostics, therapeutics, research and health outcomes by providing seamless, high-quality and holistic patient-centric care.

Besides enhancing patient care, SDCT will also focus on formulating and coordinating cluster-wide Research and Development (R&D) activities pertaining to the development of novel CTGT products and associated technologies.

The Centre works with the Regenerative Medicine Institute of Singapore (REMEDIS) & Advanced Cell Therapy Research Institute, Singapore (ACTRIS), and closely coordinate efforts with other national (for example regulatory authority, HSA) and international stakeholders to establish Singapore as the regional hub of CTGT.

SDCT aims to be a global leader in delivering CTGT products and technologies, with a vision to make regenerative medicine and cellular immunotherapy available to Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region.