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SingHealth hospitals offer a full range of anaesthetic specialties including clinical anaesthesia, SICU and pain management.

Anaesthesiology is the medical specialty concerned with the use of drugs or other agents that cause insensitivity to pain. It is the continuity of patient care involving preoperative evaluation, intraoperative and postoperative care. There are many sub-specialties covered within Anaesthesiology including cardiothoracic anaesthesiology, critical care, obstetrical and paediatric anaesthesiology, neuroanaesthesia and pain management.

All SingHealth hospitals offer a full range of anaesthetic specialties including clinical anaesthesia, surgical intensive unit and pain management.

Find out more the types of anaesthesia you need to know.

Related Conditions & Treatments

This clinical specialty is available at:

Singapore General Hospital
Dept of Anaesthesiology

Tel: (65) 6222 3322
Changi General Hospital
Anaesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care

Tel: (65) 6788 8833
Sengkang General Hospital
Dept of Anaesthesiology

Tel: (65) 6930 6000
KK Women's and Children's Hospital
Women's - Anaesthesia
Children's - Anaesthesia

Tel: (65) 6225 5554
National Heart Centre Singapore
Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia

Tel: (65) 6436 7800

SingHealth Group also offers the following sub-specialty centres: