Be smart! Keep your phone secure while using Health Buddy to manage payments, appointments, order medicines and self-monitor your health!
To protect you from mobile scams, SingHealth has released a new version of Health Buddy app with the latest security measures. To use the latest version of Health Buddy app, you need to:
In addition, the following apps are known to be incompatible with Health Buddy app. Please uninstall these apps to enable Health Buddy to function properly:
Follow these step-by-step instructions on Android:
Please note that uninstalling the unauthorised app may not completely remove all of its associated files or permissions. To ensure complete removal, you may need to manually delete any remaining files or folders associated with the app, or factory reset your phone.
If you have accidentally downloaded an unauthorised app, follow these step-by-step instructions on IOS:
*Unauthorised apps installed via methods like sideloading may have different uninstallation procedures or may require additional steps to fully remove them from your iPhone. If you are unsure about uninstalling such apps, seek guidance from an Apple support representative or consult Apple's official support documentation.
You may refer to the joint advisory issued by the Singapore Police Force and Cyber Security Agency on how malware may infect your mobile device through the downloading of apps that are not found on official app stores:
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