Procarbazine is a medicine used for the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma.
Early side effects
Delayed side effects
Inform your doctor or nurse if any of the following occurs:
While on Procarbazine, it is important that you avoid certain food. These foods (shown in the table below) may interact with Procarbazine and cause reactions such as heart palpitations, high blood pressure, severe headache, vomiting and diarrhea. These reactions are caused by the alcohol and/or tyramine content of the diet.
The diet changes recommended should be followed throughout your treatment with Procarbazine and also for a further 14 days after stopping treatment.
Yeast vitamin supplements (e.g. Brewer's yeast). Chocolate, soy sauce, yoghurt. Meat extracts (e.g. Bovil, Brands essence of chicken).
Take by mouth with a full glass of water. It may be taken with or without food. Follow the prescribed number of tablets and dosing schedule as instructed by your doctor.
If vomiting occurs soon after a dose, please check with your doctor if you require a repeat dose.
If you miss a dose of Procarbazine, contact your doctor for further instructions on what to do.
If you overdose on this medicine, inform your doctor immediately.
Do not crush or break the tablets.
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