There are a few different options to treat retinal tears or detachments, such as laser treatment or surgery, depending on the situation and severity. Your ophthalmologist will discuss the pros and cons of these options with you, and recommend a suitable treatment plan.
Retinal Tears When a retinal tear or hole has not progressed to a retinal detachment, your ophthalmologist may suggest an outpatient laser procedure to prevent the tear from developing into a retinal detachment.
Laser treatment does not close the tear but works by forming a scar around the retinal tear, to prevent the retina from detaching.
Retinal Detachment If your retina has detached, usually surgical procedures will be required to repair it. There are a few different surgical procedures used to repair retinal detachments, and your ophthalmologist will recommend the most suitable approach for you, which depends on factors such as the type of detachment and severity. Some of the potential options include:
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