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Male Infertility

Male Infertility - Symptoms

Male Infertility - How to prevent?

Male Infertility - Causes and Risk Factors

Male Infertility - Diagnosis

Semen analysis

Semen analysis is the most essential part of diagnosing male infertility. It is a laboratory test of freshly ejaculated semen, of which the number, shape and movement are measured under a microscope. These tests should be done at specialised laboratories that use methods approved by the World Health Organisation.

Table 2: Normal semen parameters
Volume of semenMore than 2ml
Sperm concentration (number)More than 20 million sperms per ml
Sperm motilityMore than 50%, forward progression
Sperm morphology (shape)More than 15% has a normal shape (strict criteria)
White blood cellsLess than 1 million cells per ml

Table 2 shows the parameters of normal semen. Based on results of the semen analysis, physical examination and other tests can help to determine the different types of male infertility.

Male Infertility - Preparing for surgery

Male Infertility - Post-surgery care

Male Infertility - Other Information

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