This is a painless collection of clear fluid surrounding the testis. It is common in newborn males. It usually takes 6 - 12 months to clear completely. It is harmless but can be checked during regular visits to the doctor.
The cause of hydrocoele in children is different from adults. The testicles initially develop in the abdomen. In most boys, they move down to the scrotum before birth. As they do this, some of the lining of the abdomen (the peritoneum) comes down as a tube.
This connection between the abdomen and the scrotum is usually closed at birth. But in some boys, it remains open. Fluid produced in the abdomen then moves freely into the scrotum and back (which accounts for changes noted in size).
An inguinal hernia occurs when a loop of intestine enters the scrotum through the inguinal ring. It is usually painless unless the intestine gets stuck. It usually can be pushed back into the abdomen.
Yes. In girls the swelling is usually in the labia (vagina lips) or the groin.
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