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Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram

Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram - What it is

Stress Echocardiogram is a diagnostic procedure combining:

  • Echocardiography, which uses high frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to assess motion of heart muscles; and
  • Stress test, which assesses the capacity and reserve of heart muscle function under stressful situations.
The information obtained will help the doctor to indirectly assess the status of blood supply to the heart muscle. It also provides indirect information on the viability and the function of the heart muscle.

This information is important and vital to the doctor in planning further appropriate measures and treatment for you.

There are two ways we can stress your heart: one is via the treadmill test (Exercise Stress Echocardiogram). Whereas, for this test, we will be using medication (Dobutamine) to stress the heart, simulating an exercise environment (Pharmacological Stress Echocardiogram). 

Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram - Symptoms

Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram - How to prevent?

Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram - Causes and Risk Factors

Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram - Diagnosis

Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram - Treatments

Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram - Preparing for surgery

Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram - Post-surgery care

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