Your child may be offered a bottle of glucose water as soon as he or she is awake after Cleft Lip Surgery.
If your child had undergone Cleft Palate Surgery, this may be provided using a spoon/cup/spout feeder/syringe.
When he or she can tolerate clear fluids (e.g., water, glucose water) well, breast or formula milk may be given. Your baby will also be given fluids through an IV drip which may be removed once he /she is drinking well again.
Your child will be reviewed by the cleft team in the ward. The Plastic Specialty Nurse will teach you how to care for the surgical site. You will have to ensure that your child’s wound is kept clean. Further instructions will be given to you together with an educational leaflet.
After surgery, your child may be discharged only when his or her appetite has improved.
When to seek medical attention
Follow up Care
Your child will need to return to the Cleft and Craniofacial Centre 7 days after surgery to be reviewed by his/her Plastic Surgeon.
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