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Change in Bowel Habit

Change in Bowel Habit - What it is

Medications can cause change in bowel habits - Singapore General HospitalWhat constitutes a change in bowel habit?

A change in bowel habit means any alteration in an individual’s stool frequency, calibre or consistency. Virtually everyone will experience changes in their bowel habits at some point in their life as it may manifest due to stress or a change in the environment. However, it may also be a sign of a more serious underlying condition and warrants further investigation should it be persistent.

Change in Bowel Habit - Symptoms

Change in Bowel Habit - How to prevent?

Change in Bowel Habit - Preparing for surgery

Change in Bowel Habit - Post-surgery care

Change in Bowel Habit - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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