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Nothing can replace close adult caregiver supervision in childhood injury prevention. Children, especially toddlers, are not able to identify the potential injury hazards in their environment and they need your care and protection.
Young children in walkers should be supervised at all times. When a toddler is in a walker, they can reach unexpected heights with increased speed.
Young children are often at eye-level with items under kitchen and bathroom sinks. Ingestion of household products and liquids can have adverse health effects on children. Sometimes, skin contact with these agents for prolonged periods can also cause chemical burns.
Common injuries such as burns are preventable. We all have a role to play in keeping our children safe and it is important to delegate duties and have teamwork amongst caregivers to ensure a safe home environment for our children to explore, learn and have fun while at the same time, protecting them from harm.
Hot liquids and beverages
Chemical burns
Use of electrical appliances
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