There are many factors that affect the treatment decision, such as types and severity of fracture, age, activity level, overall health condition. The treatment option will depends on your condition and per doctor’s advice. The specialist doctor will discuss the treatment options with you.
In the meantime, what should I do while waiting for my outpatient appointment• Keep the injured hand elevated to reduce swelling . • Keep the bandage dry and clean , protect it when you bathe. • Do not remove the bandage on your own. • Keep fingers and other joints mobile as per your doctor’s advice. • Adequate pain control by taking oral pain medication. • Avoid carry objects with injured hand.
Seek urgent medical consultation with your doctor at the Department of Emergency Medicine of Singapore General Hospital if any one of the following conditions occurs:• Fever of 38°C and above• Severe pain, especially when the pain is not better with pain killers• Increase in swelling which not relieved by elevation / medication. • If fingers turn pale or blue, increase in numbness, decrease in sensation. • Any other abnormal and / or prolonged symptoms which cause concern.
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