Ms Lee is only 28 years old but she has already decided to leave a gift to support cancer research and patients when she is no longer around.
“My mother was a patient at the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) under the care of Dr Toh Chee Keong. She always urged me to think of ways to give back to NCCS, be it through volunteering my time or through donations. My mother and I were very grateful for the care she received. Because of this, even though I’m 28 years old, I have already made a CPF nomination and willed a portion of my estate to the NCC Research Fund and NCCS Cancer Fund when I pass on in the future.
It is my sincere hope that these gifts will support both cancer research and patients who need financial support. Even though cancer treatment is advanced now, there is still so much we do not know about this disease. Cancer has destroyed the lives of many people and families and I really hope that research can discover more treatments and medicine to help patients. This is very close to my heart as I know many people who have lost their lives to cancer. My mum was one of them. I hope that my gift will help others in the future.
My mum also received some financial assistance during the course of her treatment. Because of this, our financial worries were partially alleviated so we could focus on helping her to cope with her illness and not be burdened with additional financial worries. Having to cope with the diagnosis and treatment is difficult enough and we truly understood how much it meant to not have to worry so much about the cost. I hope my bequest will allow more patients to have access to treatments that can save their lives and help them during their recovery journey while alleviating their worries.
This legacy gift is one of the smallest things I can do to help, but hopefully it can make a worthy impact. Some people may think I’m too young to be making such decisions, but having cancer rob you of someone dear is a stark reminder that our time here is limited. It was always my mum’s wish to be able to help others, so my small gesture is also my way of remembering my mum and her legacy.”
What legacy will you leave?
Most people first think about providing for their loved ones when making a will. It is also a good opportunity to think about ways to make a lasting difference by making a legacy gift to your favourite charities.
Legacy gifts or bequests are only distributed after the donor passes on, making it an ideal way to make an impact on the causes close to your heart. Bequest or legacy gifts can include cash, real estate, life insurance payouts, shares and personal items of value such as jewellery that are bequeathed to a charity of your choice in your will. You can also nominate a charity to receive your Central Provident Fund (CPF) monies, however this can only be done through the CPF Board.
Anyone age 18 years and above can make a will, which can be amended or rewritten should circumstances change.
SingHealth;National Cancer Centre Singapore;
Giving & Philanthropy