
Bringing the World of Medical Simulation Together

​​The S3 Conference will return on 22 - 25 October 2019 at Academia, Singapore.
Find out more at www.s3.sg!


Thank you for your participation for the S3 Conference 2017!

The inaugural S3 Conference was a resounding success and brought together close to 500 of the world's leading experts in medical simulation and delegates from Singapore, Europe, and USA to lead the transformation of medical simulation in the region. The Conference was jointly organised by the SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Medical Simulation (SIMS), Singapore, in partnership with the Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM), Europe, and the Gathering Of Healthcare Simulation Technology Specialists (SimGHOSTS), USA.

The Conference presented a wide array of simulation topics, such as scenario-based learning, high performance teams training, virtual and augmented reality training, e-Learning, and the use of standardised patients in healthcare education today. We hope that all our speakers and delegates had a fruitful time learning and sharing. Let us continue to ride the wave of simulation together and push frontiers in patient safety!

Read more about S3 Conference here. View photo highlights here.

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with world leaders and fellow industry insiders​ in the
medical simulation industry​​
​the lat​est in ​medical simulation technology and advanced simulation procedures. ​the way your teams develop​ new ideas, medical simulation best practices and studies.​




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