Layman's explanation
To get back to your original health condition
Used in a sentence
If you follow the physiotherapist’s instructions, you will be able to maximize your ability and to reduce the impact to your daily activities.
Rehabilitation exercise
Exercises to help strengthen and restore the body functions
After your surgery, the occupational therapist will show you some exercises to help strengthen and restore your body functions.
Renal diet
Food that are low in sodium, phosphorous, potassium and protein, recommended for patients with kidney conditions
As Mr Lim has worsening kidney functions, he will be served renal diet which are low in sodium, phosphorous, potassium and protein.
Residual urine
Urine that is left in your bladder and not yet passed out
To help us better assess your condition, we need to check the amount of urine that is left in your bladder and has not been passed out.
Safety equipment to tie down patient’s hands
Your mother had tried to hit herself continuously with a cup. The doctors suggest that we use this safety equipment to tie down her hands to prevent her from injuring herself.
Loss of balance in the backwards direction
Physiotherapy can equip patients with the proper techniques to prevent loss of balance in the backwards direction.
Stiffness of muscles resisting movement and at rest
Therapists can teach patients and equip them to manage the rigidity in their day to day activities.
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