Inpatient Rehabilitative and Sub-acute Care
Under a personalised care plan, our multi-disciplinary team of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals will develop rehabilitative routines and exercises tailored to each patient's unique health needs. Patients can look forward to restoring and improving their physical functions, and resuming their daily activities after their stay at SCH. Our treatment programmes also make use of new technologies and advanced equipments to meet and achieve the rehabilitative goals of our patients.
Palliative Care
Patients with advanced terminal illnesses will be given an in-depth assessment on their care needs and managed by our palliative care team. The team consists of not just the medical officers and nurses, but also the therapists and social workers who will provide psychosocial support, relief and counselling to the patients and their families.
SCH is part of SingHealth Duke-NUS Supportive and Palliative Care Centre (SDSPCC). Find out more SDSPCC here.
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