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Never too young to give

Primary 3 student Abhinayya Saravanan is only eight-years-old, but she already has two books to her name. Her second book, titled "The Cure", is a story about three siblings' adventure and how they saved their baby brother after he eats a poisonous berry. To show her appreciation to the healthcare workers' bravery and selfless dedication amidst pandemic, she wants to dedicate her book to them.

"Healthcare workers are risking their lives and sacrificing time with their families to keep everyone safe and happy," shared Abhinayya. "I love to write and thought that this will be a wonderful way to appreciate and thank them for their good work."

Besides pledging 100 books as gifts to healthcare workers at Changi General Hospital (CGH), Abhinayya and her family also donated $1,000 to CGH's HomeCare Assist. HomeCare Assist provides essential items for needy patients to continue to stay home after discharge from hospital.

"I feel very happy to be able to do my bit to support both healthcare workers and patients in need."