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Your SingHealth Story: Tanee Chan


"When I tell others I am a perfusionist, many have to Google what the profession is!
As a Perfusionist, my role is to operate the heart-lung machine which takes over the function of the heart and lungs, and deliver oxygenated blood throughout the patient's body during open-heart surgeries. Simply put, we halt the patient's heart and then keep the patient alive while the surgeon isolates and operates on the deliberately stopped heart. 
In the years to come, I hope more people will know what a perfusionist is, and the integral role we play during open-heart surgeries."
- Tanee Chan, Manager, Perfusion, National Heart Centre Singapore has been a perfusionist with NHCS for more than 20 years and has helped to train and groom many within the profession.


This photo was taken before the COVID19 pandemic

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