Evolving therapies for Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy. Yu-Qiang Soh, Gary SL Peh, Jodhbir S Mehta. Regen Med. 2018 Jan 23; 13(1):97-115
Directed Differentiation of Periocular Mesenchyme from Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Matthew J Lovatt, Gary HF Yam, Gary SL Peh, Alan Colman, Ray N Dunn, Jodhbir S Mehta. Differentiation. 2017 Nov 16; pii: S0301-4681(17)30104-4
Corneal Lenticule Storage Conditions for Re-Implantation in Humans. Yu-Chi Liu, Geraint P William, Benjamin L George, Yu-Qiang Soh, Xin-Yi Seah, Gary SL Peh, Gary HF Yam, Jodhbir S Mehta. Mol Vis. 2017 Oct 27; 23:753-764
Regulatory Compliant Tissue-Engineered Human Corneal Endothelial Grafts Restore Corneal Function of Rabbits with Bullous Keratopathy. Gary SL Peh, Heng-Pei Ang, Nyein C Lwin, Khadijah Adnan, Benjamin L George, Xin-Yi Seah, Shu-Jun Lin, Maninder Bhogal, Yu-Chi Liu, Donald TH Tan, Jodhbir S Mehta. Sci Rep. 2017 Oct 26; 7(1):14149
Real-Time Assessment of Corneal Endothelial Cell Damage Following Graft Preparation and Donor Insertion for DMEK. Maninder Bhogal, Nyein C Lwin, Xin-Yi Seah, Elavazhagan Murugan, Khadijah Adnan, Gary SL Peh, Jodhbir S Mehta. PLoS ONE. 2017 Oct 4; 12(10):e0184824
Allogeneic Descement’s Membrane Transplantation Enhances Corneal Endothelial Monolayer Formation and Restores Functional Integrity Following Descemet’s Stripping. Maninder Bhogal, Nyein C Lwin, Xin-Yi Seah, Gary SL Peh, Jodhbir S Mehta. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017 Aug 01; 58(10):4249-4260
A Rabbit Model Study to Determine the Efficacy of a Prototype Corneal Endothelium Protector during Cataract Surgery. Annabel CY Chew, Anita Chan, Monisha E Nongpiur, Gary SL Peh, Veluchamy A Barathi, Nyein C Lwin, Charles Ong, Shamira Perera. J Ophthalmo. 2017 Mar 29; 2017:6906139
Effect of position specific single point mutations and biophysical characterization of amyloidogenic peptide fragments identified from Lattice Corneal Dystrophy patients. Venkatraman Anandalakshmi, Elavazhagan Murugan, Eunice TL Goh, Lim-Wei Ting, Shyam S Chaurasia, Toshio Yamazaki, Toshio Nagashima, Benjamin L George, Gary SL Peh, Konstantin Pervushin, Lakshminarayanan Rajamani, Jodhbir S Mehta. Biochem J. 2017 May 09; 474(10):1705-1725
[Corneal cell therapy - an overview] Korneale Zelltherapie – Eine Übersicht. Ophthalmologe. Matthias Fuest, Gary HF Yam, Gary SL Peh, Peter Walter, Niklas Plange, Jodhbir S Mehta. Ophthalmologe. 2017 Feb 15; 114(8):705-715
Sequentially-crosslinked bioactive hydrogels as nano-patterned substrates with customizable stiffness and degradation for corneal tissue engineering applications. Rizwan Muhammad, Gary SL Peh, Heng-Pei Ang, Nyein Chan Lwin, Khadijah Adnan, Jodhbir S Mehta, Wui Siew Tan, Evelyn KF Yim. Biomaterials. 2016 Dec 23; 120:139-154
In vitro topographical model of Fuchs dystrophy for evaluation of corneal endothelial cell monolayer formation. Rizwan Muhammad, Gary SL Peh, Khadijah Adnan, Sacha L Naso, Alon R Mendez, Jodhbir S Mehta, Evelyn KF Yim. Adv Healthc Mater. 2016 Oct 04; 5(22):2896-2910
Advances in corneal cell therapy. Matthias Fuest, Gary HF Yam, Gary SL Peh, Jodhbir S Mehta. Regen Med. 2016 Aug 08; 11(6):601-615
Translational issues for human corneal endothelial tissue engineering. Yu-Qiang Soh, Gary SL Peh, Jodhbir S Mehta. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2016 Apr 25; 11(9):2425-2442
pH Induced Conformational Transitions in the Transforming Growth Factor β-Induced Protein (TGFβIp) Associated Corneal Dystrophy Mutants. Elavazhagan Murugan, Anandalakshmi Venkatraman, Zhou Lei, Victoria Mouvet, Rayne RY Lim, Nandhakumar Muruganantham, Eunice Goh, Gary SL Peh, Roger W Beuerman, Shyam S Chaurasia, Lakshminarayanan Rajamani, Jodhbir S Mehta. Sci Rep. 2016 Mar 31; 6:23836
Isolation of a recombinant antibody specific for a surface marker of the corneal endothelium by phage display. Simone Dorfmueller, Hwee-Ching Tan, Zi-Xian Ngoh, Kai-Yee Toh, Gary SL Peh, Heng-Pei Ang, Xin-Yi Seah, Angela Chin, Andre Choo, Jodhbir S Mehta, and William Sun. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 23; 6:21661
Predicative Factors for Corneal Endothelial Cell Migration. Yu-Qiang Soh, Gary SL Peh, Benjamin L George, Xin-Yi Seah, Nishal K Primalani, Khadijah Adnan, Jodhbir S Mehta. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016 Feb; 57(2):338-348
Dental stem cells: A future asset of ocular cell therapty. Gary HF Yam, Gary SL Peh, Shweta Singhal, Bee-Tin Goh, Jodhbir S Mehta. Expert Rev Mol Med. 2015 Nov 10; 17:e20
Comparison of intra-ocular pressure changes with liquid or flat applanation interfaces in a femtosecond laser platform. Geraint Williams, Heng-Pei Ang, Benjamin L George, Yu-Chi Liu, Luis Izquierdo, Gary SL Peh, Donald TH Tan, Jodhbir S Mehta. Sci Rep. 2015 Oct 06; 5:14742
The effects of Rho-associated kinase inhibitor Y-27632 on primary human corneal endothelial cells propagated using a dual media approach. Gary SL Peh, Khadijah Adnan, Benjamin L George, Heng-Pei Ang, Xin-Yi Seah, Donald TH Tan, Jodhbir S Mehta. Sci Rep. 2015 Mar 16; 5:9167
Micro- and nano-topography to enhance proliferation and sustain functional markers of donor-derived primary human corneal endothelial cells. Rizwan Muhammad, Gary SL Peh, Khadijah Adnan, Jaslyn BK Law, Jodhbir S Mehta, Evelyn KF Yim. Acta Biomater. 2015 Mar 18; 19:138-148