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MedSG200 Spotlight: Priority Areas

As SingHealth and its institutions celebrate 200 years of medicine in 2021, what are some areas philanthropy can help in defining tomorrow’s medicine?

The development of medicine in Singapore would not be possible without the dedication and foresight of many pioneers.

For centuries, philanthropy has played a uniquely important role in advancing medical care and knowledge. Donations broaden the support and resources available to niche and experimental areas, and complement institutionalised funding such as research grants and government assistance schemes.

Today, philanthropy is no less crucial to making our world a better one.

Much of the world faces common challenges and trends: ageing populations, chronic and emergent diseases, technological revolution and increasing patient expectations.

To enable us to stay abreast of these challenges, SingHealth has identified key priority areas where your gift will make a significant impact as we strive to define tomorrow’s Medicine. Click on each image to find out more.

To find out how you can make a difference, please contact [email protected].

Read also: Audrey Lau, Executive Director, SingHealth Fund shares on the role of philanthropy in healthcare and how it helps in charting the way forward to define tomorrow’s medicine.