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Our Care Team

Providing our patients with patient-centred care 


Our multi-disciplinary care team at SCH comprises our doctors, our nurses, as well as our allied health professionals, who take pride in their roles and work closely together to ensure that our patients receive the best quality of care at our community hospitals. With their expertise in diverse fields, we are able to provide specialised care to our patients in various areas including sub-acute, rehabilitation and palliative care. 

We hope to work closely with patients and get them to be involved in their journey of care with our care team, such as participating actively in the planning of their rehabilitative programmes. This way, patients have more autonomy over their care plan and get a better understanding of their treatment process. 

This will help them to experience a smoother transition back into the community when they leave our hospitals. Through this process, our care team will also be able to build a strong rapport with our patients, have a better idea of what are our patients' rehabilitative goals.

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