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Infections with multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs)

Infections with multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs) - How to prevent?

To prevent infections with MDROs, the following measures are important.

Infection control practices
Good infection control practices such as hand hygiene (handwashing with soap and water or the use of alcohol-based hand disinfectant), the donning of protective equipment (gowns and gloves) and isolation precautions (nursing the patient with MDROs in single or cohort rooms) prevents the transmission of MDROs in the healthcare setting. 

Antibiotic Stewardship
Judicious and appropriate use of antibiotics is important. Right drug, right dose, right route of administration for infections improves outcomes of infections. When the infection has resolved, antibiotic use should be promptly discontinued.
Unnecessary and inappropriate use of antibiotics breeds resistance and makes them less effective in the future. Also, antibiotics should not be used to treat viral infections; instead, they should be symptomatically managed. 

The hospital leadership is committed to the prevention of infections with MDROs and have set up infrastructure and systems in place to reduce infections with MDROs. 

Infections with multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs) - Preparing for surgery

Infections with multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs) - Post-surgery care

Infections with multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs) - Other Information

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