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Speaker |
Morning Session
9:30 AM
Welcome and Introduction |
Session Chair |
9:35 AM
Get Clear About Cataracts
Cataract is the leading cause of vision impairment worldwide. But have no fear, as it is a treatable condition! This talk aims to empower participants with knowledge about what cataracts are, possible preventive steps, symptoms of cataracts and how cataracts can be treated.
Dr Jessica Choo Associate Consultant,
Cataract & Comprehensive Ophthalmology Department, SNEC
9:55 AM
Women's Essential Cancer Awareness and Screening
Understanding how cancer can develop and getting screened regularly—like mammograms for breast cancer, Pap tests for cervical cancer, and colonoscopies for colorectal cancer—are key to early detection and better treatment.
By learning more about your risk factors and staying on top of screenings, you can catch cancer early, when it’s easier to treat, saving lives and improving health. Take action now for a healthier future by attending this talk!
Clin Asst Prof Ryan Shea Tan Consultant,
Division of Medical Oncology, NCCS
10:15 AM
Let's Talk About Menopause
An overview of menopause, the physical changes women’s experience and steps to take for healthier aging.
Assoc Prof Rukshini Puvanendran Co-Director of KK Menopause Centre Head and Senior Consultant, Family Medicine Service, KKH
10:35 AM |
Question & Answer |
Panel |
11:00 AM
Tea Break |
11:20 AM |
Heart to Heart: Cardiovascular Health for Women
Tackling women's heart health requires all hands on deck - it is a community effort. This includes women who are at risk, those who have already experienced heart conditions, as well as their families and communities.
Healthcare professionals and researchers also play crucial roles. By working together, we can improve women's heart health in many ways, from prevention to treatment and ongoing care.
Assoc Prof Angela Koh Senior Consultant,
Dept of Cardiology, NHCS
11:40 AM
An Integrated Approach to Optimum Bone Health
Prof Manju will guide you through the journey of taking care of your bone health from childhood to old age. She will explore the essentials of managing osteoporosis and prevention of fragility fractures, including the role of nutrition, exercise, and medications.
Prof Manju Chandran Senior Consultant,
Dept of Endocrinology, SGH
12:00 PM |
Keep Smiling! Maintaining Oral Health and Confidence
Discover how orthodontic treatments can enhance oral health and confidence in women over 50. In Ageless Smiles: Maintaining Oral Health and Confidence Beyond 50, we’ll explore how braces, clear aligners, and orthognathic surgery address dental concerns like misalignment, missing teeth, and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Through real-life cases, see how modern orthodontics can enhance function, aesthetics and self-assurance, empowering women to embrace their smiles at every age.
Clin Asst Prof Elaine Tan Senior Consultant and Head,
Department of Orthodontics, NDCS
12:20 PM
Question & Answer |
Speakers Panel
12:40 PM |
Closing remarks End of Programme
Afternoon Session
2:00 PM |
Welcome & Introduction |
2:05 PM |
Strong, Active and Fabulous Beyond 50
As women enter their 50s and beyond, they may face unique physical challenges. Let us address common issues and explore effective, safe exercises tailored for women over 50. Learn about the benefits of exercise and get tips on staying fabulous and fit.
Ms Samantha Ng Principal Physiotherapist, Cardiac Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Services, NHCS
2:35 PM |
Say Goodbye to Reading Glasses!
PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is a LASIK procedure that applies a customized treatment software to treat Presbyopia (Lau Hua) which is common among those in their 40s and above and need glasses for reading or looking at near objects.
This customised procedure optimizes the dominant eye for distance vision and the non-dominant eye for near vision; with both eyes achieving good vision at near, intermediate and far to reduced dependency on reading glasses. This may be just what you need.
Assoc Prof Marcus Ang Head & Senior Consultant, Refractive Surgery and Corneal & External Eye Disease Departments, SNEC
3:05 PM |
Nurturing the Mind: Mental Wellness for Women
Join us for a friendly chat where we will talk about practical matters like managing work and family, dealing with life's inevitable ups and downs, and finding moments of calm in the chaos.
You'll learn some tips to build your inner strength, be kinder to yourself, and connect with other amazing women. Let's chat about thriving, not just surviving. And learn actionable strategies to enhance your mental wellbeing!
Assoc Prof Iris Rawtaer Head of Department, Psychiatry, SKH
3:30 PM |
End of Programme