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Insulin (Human) (Isophane) / Insulin (Human) (Neutral)

Drug Class: Commonly Known As: Category:
Insulin Novomix, Mixtard

Insulin (Human) (Isophane) / Insulin (Human) (Neutral) - What is it for

​Novomix/Mixtard is a premixed insulin. It is a mix of long- and short-acting insulins. It is used to reduce high blood sugar levels in patient with diabetes mellitus. The short-acting insulin helps to bring down the high sugar level after a meal, while the long-acting insulin helps to control your blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Insulin (Human) (Isophane) / Insulin (Human) (Neutral) - Additional Information

  • Updated on 2/18/2021 12:00:00 AM
  • Article contributed by PSS National Medication Information Workgroup PSS National Medication Information Workgroup
The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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