Insulin Lispro is usually given immediately or 15 minutes before a meal as an injection into the fatty tissue under the skin. Do not forget to eat after injecting Insulin Lispro. If you need to, you can inject immediately after a meal. Use the injection technique as advised by your doctor or nurse and as described in the manual. Ensure that your insulin appears clear and colourless before use. Do not use if it appears cloudy, grainy or if particles are seen in the vial. (unless you are using Humalog® Mix50 which should be a suspension and requires you to resuspend it i.e. roll the insulin pen in between your palms before use). Do not stop your insulin without checking with your doctors.
How to inject insulin •Clean the skin before injecting the insulin. •Pinch your skin to form a fold. •Insert the needle at 90 degrees, right angle to the skin. •During the injection, inject the insulin by pushing the plunger all the way down slowly with your index finger, wait for about 10 seconds before removing the needle and releasing the pinched skin. •Keep the plunger down until the needle has been taken out from the skin. This will ensure you get the full dose. Do not rub or massage the injection site. •Throw the syringe or pen needle away properly in a container that cannot be punctured
You must only use Humalog cartridges in compatible CE marked pens. Please check with your pharmacist if you are unsure.
If you miss a dose, inject the next dose at the usual time. Do not inject two doses to make up for a missed dose.
If you forget to inject your insulin, your blood sugar may get too high (hyperglycemia). Check your blood sugar with a home blood sugar meter (glucometer). When your blood sugar is high for too long, you may experience increased urination, feeling thirsty, feeling sick (nausea or vomiting), feeling drowsy or tired, abdominal pain, flushed face and a fruity (acetone) smell of the breath. These may be signs of a very serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis where there is a build-up of acid in the blood because the body is breaking down fat instead of sugar. Please see the doctor immediately if you have the above symptoms
If you take more than the instructed dose, please get medical advice immediately.
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