What is uroflow study? Uroflow study is a non-invasive test, which measures the amount and the flow of urine during voiding. It gives valuable information about the bladder function of your child and is a useful tool for the evaluation of children with voiding problems.
Uroflow study combined with bladder scan helps to measure five aspects of urination:
Where does uroflow study take place? The uroflow study will be done at the Specialist Outpatient Clinic.
How should you prepare your child for uroflow study?
What to expect for a uroflow study? Before the uroflow study, the nurse will perform an automated bladder scan on the lower abdomen of your child to determine the amount of urine in the bladder. Your child will then, be asked to urinate into a special toilet seat fitted with a measuring device that measures the volume and speed of the urine flow. In normal urination, the initial urine stream starts slowly and eventually speeds up until the bladder is nearly empty. Urine flow then slows down again until the bladder is empty. This pattern may be disrupted in children who have voiding problems. Straining and excessive body movement can affect the results of the uroflow. Thus, we encourage the child to urinate the way that he/she normally would, sitting or standing. Immediately after the uroflow study, the nurse will repeat the automated bladder scan on the lower abdomen of your child to determine how much residual urine left in the bladder. The doctor will then explain the results of the uroflow study to you during the consultation.
Are there any potential risks and effects involved? The procedure involves normal emptying of the bladder so there are no significant potential risks or side effects involved.
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