The Dental Pulp
To understand root canal or endodontic treatment, it helps to first understand the anatomy of the tooth. The part of the tooth visible in your mouth is called the crown and the part covered by the bone and gum is the root.
The crown of the tooth is made up of the hard white enamel layer and a thicker dentine layer. Both these hard layers protect the innermost soft tissues of the tooth called the pulp. The dental pulp contains blood vessels and nerves within and extends from the crown to the tips of the root or roots.
Rubber dam isolation and access cavity
X-ray showing files in root canal
X-ray of a root filled tooth
All root canal treatment procedures are done by isolating the tooth with a rubber dam to provide a clean and saliva-free environment. Root canal treatment may be done in single or multiple visits depending on tooth complexity. In between treatment appointments, medicaments may be placed within the canals and the tooth is covered with a temporary filling.
Often, X-rays are taken to determine the length of the root and to monitor various treatment stages.
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