What is Medical Termination of Pregnancy (TOP)?Medical TOP is a procedure which involves taking medication that will end your pregnancy. This can be done at any gestation up to 23 weeks and 6 days, dated by ultrasound scan.
Abortion at 24 weeks or beyond is prohibited by law in Singapore.
What does Medical TOP involve?
What if I have had a womb surgery?If you have had a previous caesarean section or surgery to the womb, such as fibroid removal surgery, you are at higher risk of experiencing rupture of the scar on your womb during the procedure (1%). You will be sent to the High Dependency Unit (HDU) during the abortion process for closer monitoring.
What should I expect?
When should I seek medical attention?Medical TOP is generally safe. However, complications such as retained pregnancy tissues and infection can still happen. If you experience any of the below symptoms, you should return to the hospital for medical assessment:
Additional InformationYour doctor will also prescribe additional medication:
You should continue to use sanitary pads (not tampons) until your next period.
Your doctor will discuss with you about various contraception methods to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. You may refer to to the contraceptive leaflet for more information. Most contraceptive methods can be started immediately after an abortion.
A blood test will be done to determine your blood group before the TOP and you may be given an anti-D immunoglobulin injection if you have Rhesus negative blood group. This injection is given within 72 hours of the abortion.
Some women may experience long-term emotional problems after TOP. This includes feeling of sadness, guilt or regret. You should talk to your doctor about these feelings.
Your next period will usually return around 4-6 weeks after the abortion.
SchedulePart ONE
To swallow a tablet called mifepristone.
Part TWOFor administration of misoprostol tablets
Follow-up appointment
LocationUrgent O&G Centre (UOGC)Basement 1, Women’s Tower, KKHClinic CLevel 1, Women’s Tower, KKH
The information above is also available for download in pdf format.
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