If you suspect you have a hernia, or if you have an abdominal swelling, please see a doctor. A hernia is usually diagnosed by physical examination of the abdomen. For a less obvious swelling, an ultrasound or a CT scan may help confirm the diagnosis. X-rays or a CT scan may also be performed to look for acute complications such as bowel obstruction or strangulation. Surgery may be advised to prevent or treat the complications.
Surgery can be performed to repair a hernia and prevent complications from occurring. This involves returning the abdominal contents to the abdominal cavity, and reinforcing the weakened area of the abdominal wall. This is usually done with an insertion of a mesh over the weakened area. The mesh causes the body to form strong scar tissue in the region it is placed, strengthening the abdominal wall in the region.
Hernia repair surgery may be performed by incising over the length of the abdominal hernia in an open approach, or via a laparoscopic (keyhole) approach where a camera and instruments are inserted through 5-10mm incisions into the abdominal cavity. Procedural time may vary, depending on the size and complexity of your hernia. The details of hernia surgery will be discussed when you consult a surgeon.
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