SingHealth MedAdvance
Kidney Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatments
SGH   Singapore General Hospital
Kidney Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatments
Kidney cancer has been rising in prevalence over recent years and most often affects the elderly. Read more about the various tests to confirm the presence and extent of cancer, and the treatments available including surgery and radiofrequency ablation.
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Acquired Heart Valve Disease: Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment
SKH   National Heart Centre Singapore    
Acquired Heart Valve Disease: Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment
Acquired heart valve disease occurs when heart valves get worn down with age or affected by disease, with symptoms including shortness of breath and swelling in the legs. Discover more about its diagnosis, prevention and treatment options including surgery.
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Common Retinal Conditions and their Treatments
SNEC   Singapore National Eye Centre
Common Retinal Conditions and Their Treatments
Some retinal diseases can cause blindness if left untreated. Depending on their severity, the treatment goals may be to stop or slow down the disease and preserve, improve or restore vision. Read more about common conditions and their treatment options.
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